Oral Hygiene Care
Comprehensive oral health examination and professional dental cleaning. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that children who are at risk of early childhood cavities visit a dentist by age 1. More than 1 in 4 children in the United States has had at least one cavity by the age of 4. Many kids get cavities as early as age 2.
Top 10 Oral Health Tips For Children
Dentistry & Oral Health For Children
Thumb Sucking in Children
How to Help Your Child Develop the Best Habits for Oral Health
Tooth Tips For Tots
Age One Dental Visit
Fluoride and Sealants
Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral compound found in water and soil. It is also present in foods and beverages at varying concentrations. Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay by making the entire tooth surface more resistant to acid attacks from the bacteria that live in the plaque on your teeth.
Dental sealant is a thin, plastic coating painted on the chewing surfaces of teeth -- usually the back teeth (the premolars and molars) -- to prevent tooth decay. The sealant quickly bonds into the depressions and grooves of the teeth, forming a protective shield over the enamel of each tooth. Typically, children should get sealants on their permanent molars and premolars as soon as these teeth come in. In this way, the dental sealants can protect the teeth through the cavity-prone years of ages 6 to 14.
Fluoride & Fluoridation in Dentistry
Sealants for Children
Dental Sealants
Cavities and Fillings
Examination for cavities and restore damaged teeth with composite resin (tooth-colored fillings).
Preventing Cavities in Kids
removal of severely damaged tooth from its socket in the bone.
Simple Tooth Extraction?
Tooth Extraction
Pulp Treatment (Pulpotomy)
If a tooth gets a large cavity, the bacteria in the decay can damage the pulp (nerves and blood vessels), which is often what causes toothache. Pulpotomy, sometimes called baby tooth root canal, is to remove the inflamed pulp, sterilize and seal the tooth chamber.
Root Canal Treatment For Children's Teeth
Stainless Steel Crowns
Stainless steel crowns are prefabricated metal caps to restore the structures of severely damaged primary teeth. They are made to fit the size and shape of child's teeth, and are used to cap teeth with large or deep cavities.
PAEDIATRICS: The Stainless Steel Crown
Space Maintainers
A space maintainer, is custom-made appliance using acrylic or metal material, to keep the space of losing primary teeth open to allow the permanent teeth to erupt and come into place.
Importance of Baby Teeth
Space Maintainers For Premature Tooth Loss
Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous oxide (N2O), also called Laughing Gas, is simply a gas which you can breathe in. It has no color, smell, and doesn’t irritate. Nitrous oxide is a safe and effective sedative agent that is mixed with oxygen and inhaled through a small mask that fits over your nose to help you relax during dental procedure.
Sedation Dentistry For Kids
Nitrous Oxide
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